Our main aim is to provide a fun, safe way for the children of the Buckingham area to come, make friends and find out about God. Ideally we would love this to be a free event however; your financial support, in the form of a donation, can help us considerably to continue our work and we thank you for that. We could not fulfill our vision without your generosity and support.
You can give in many different ways...
Our preferred way is through our PayPal account. Just click on the link and it takes you straight there.
To send a payment with PayPal: Click Send and Request.
Select Send.
This will ask you to log in to your PayPal account, including a verification message.
Type in the amount you would like to give (suggested donation £15).
Click Continue.
Review your payment and click Send Money.
Other ways:
Upon collection of the holiday club pack: There will be a donations bucket at church when you register.
Through your local church: Please give your donation to your church leader in an envelope with Buckingham Churches Holiday Club donation written on it.
Giving online. Through BACS using the Holiday Club Account details - please reference 'DONATION'.
Sort Code: 30-91-39 Account Number: 00463454
If you are paying by cheque please address this to 'Buckingham Children's Holiday Club'.
We have received funding from Buckingham Town Council, as well as various churches, businesses and individuals.
Buckingham Churches Holiday Club is financed independently from any of the churches which are involved in running it, and as such its accounts are kept separate.
If you are interested in investing financially in Buckingham Churches Holiday Club please email