Who Are We?

We are a Collective of Churches from Buckingham who are passionate about creating events for Families, Children and Young People.
The Gospel is at the centre of everything that we do, but we always want to be relational and accessible to everyone.

The Churches Invoved:

Buckingham Evangelical Church
We are a lively church who love Jesus and learning together.  We enjoy meeting together on Sunday's from 10.30am at Bourton Meadow Academy where there is a group for children. Our youth group met on a Sunday evening once a month.

Buckingham Parish Church
We are a vibrant Christian community that seeks to serve Buckingham and surrounding villages.  On Sundays we have three different services, suited to all styles of worship.  There is a lot on offer for children and young people ages from 0 - 18 years through Kids, Families and Youth work. Some of this runs in the during the week, such as The Ark Baby and Toddler Group, Youth Cafe and Youth Hub.

Salvation Army Buckingham
We are a church community that follows Jesus and loves our neighbours. Our Sunday service is at 10.30am with a group for children. This is followed by a community lunch. During the week we run a baby and toddler group and a chance to meet together to pray every morning during the week.

Well Street United Church
We are a Local Ecumenical Partnership of Methodist, Baptist and United Reformed Church. On Sunday's we have our Family Service at 10.30am meeting at Lace Hill Academy. There are Sunday and midweek opportunities for children and youth to connect in